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8 Different Life Philosophies That Each Guarantee Success

Which one is right for you?

Corey Fradin
5 min readSep 7, 2021
A person with outstretched arms by a lake.
Photo by Agnieszka Boeske on Unsplash

It’s a shame we can’t pass down memories. You spend your entire life figuring out how to live. Then, just as you start to hit your stride, you die. And with your death, so perish all of your experiences. All of your lessons learned. All of your trial and error. Gone.

If only someone would figure out a way around this problem…

There’s a Sci-Fi novel inside me that plays this scenario out. A bright inventor uncovers a method for merging memories with genetics. Consequently, each new generation receives the memories and experiences of their parents. With this inherited wisdom, people become more understanding, caring, and empathetic. They do a better job living life. Some outliers surely become more spoiled or more hardened, but the majority become greater versions of those before them.

Alas, with no real invention on the horizon and that book idea living solely in my mind, we must find a different way to navigate through life.

Meaning in Okinawa

At present, I am reading the book Ikigai by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. Ikigai¹ is a Japanese word that roughly translates to, “the happiness of always being busy.” Though what it really means is having a purpose…



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