Member-only story
The Role Of Humility And Flexibility In Goal Setting
Have the humility to know that you know nothing. Have the flexibility to adjust as you learn.
“I’m going to the grocery store.”
“Which one?” your friend asks.
“The one on the other side of town. Be back in a couple hours.” The door closes swiftly behind you as you make your way to the car. You get in, start up, and pull onto the road. It’s grocery day.
It’s not long before you hit the first of many red lights.
You wait patiently while tapping on the steering wheel. Looking around, a flash catches your peripheral. You turn your head in that direction; it’s the sun reflecting off a giant sign. It slowly rotating, you make out the words, “Fresh Grocery.” Huh… I didn’t know there was a grocery store around here.
The light turns green.
Another one
After a few minutes, you find yourself at another red light.
Once again tapping on the wheel, you notice a sign up ahead. This one reads, “Best Grocery.” Another grocery store? Maybe I should go there instead. I still have 20 more minutes until I get to the other one.